Slow Design Studio

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“A good fragrance is really a powerful cocktail of memories and emotion.” 
― Jeffrey Stepakoff

How to strength your indoor climate with blazing light and scents that nourishes the soul.


The sense of smell is one of the most powerful senses we possess, and it has been immensely important for human development and survival. The relationship between fragrance and well-being is powerful, but very often overlooked.  It is proven though that scents stimulates our nervous system and can affect both our feelings but actually also experienced stress levels, sleep and overall well-being. And when you think about it, we do quite a bit to create well-being through the sense of smell in your daily life. Deodorants, soaps, perfumes, detergents, scented candles, cream spray are just a few examples of wellness products that surround us. Many of these products contain synthetic substances, are manufactured in ways that are not environmentally friendly and some even endanger our health.

The Latvian girls behind the brand Munio Candela, on the other hand, have based their scented products on their love for the northern nature and ancient Latvian knowledge, adding herbs, and plant based aromas like moss, calendula, wildflowers, clover and lavender. Plants that are very common both in Norway and Latvia, and which have been used in herbal medicine since ancient times.  

The scents of these plants are well known for their positive effect on our health. For instance is the scent of lavender known to lower the heart rate and blood pressure, putting you in an relaxed state. Marigold is said to have a calming effect on the skin, and the scent of clover will evoke summer memories.

Munio is Latin for strengthen, but also it could also mean protect, defend or shelter.  That is a lovely name for these beautiful candles, all made by hand and are based on completely natural and GMO free soy wax, lead-free cotton wicks and natural perfumes and essential oils only. The girls behind the brand Munio Candela are committed to show us the power of nature through the warm light and the wellbeing that natural scents evoke in us.  

Go outside, pick some flowers and put them in a vase, or simply light candle to strengthen your emotions.


 Please visit the website of Munio Candela for more information about their products.
In Norway, the lights can be purchased at Butikken Røst, in Bergen and Norway Designs and Gimle Parfymeri in Oslo.