Slow Design Studio

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Wild knitting can be a method to contemplate on the magic of nature, and at the same time connect to the nature within.


To wild knit is to knit intentional and with pure natural materials without following a pattern. To shape something slowly, see it grow between your hands and become something very special, something you can use and enjoy for many years is a good counterweight in a society where everything is created for us.

Pure, natural materials provide garments and products that adapt to their environment as the intelligens of nature is still present it the materials. They will adapt to temperature, wind and moist in the air, and they do no harm to nature, neither in use or when they dissolve. The purer the materials, the better for you and for the world!

Wild knitting will give you a strong feeling of presence when you knit, much stronger than the one you get from following some pattern. It also allows reflection on your material selection, and how you can best utilize the materials. 

You free yourself from the presumptions and ideas of how others have done things before, you make your own choices and assess the consequences. If it doesn’t work out, you might have to unravel and start over, but that too is fine and part of the process. 
You will knit that what grows in your heart and not compare yourself to others, but cultivate the joy of creating. You own your expression and your way of knitting, completely unique to you. That what you knit becomes perfect, imperfect - like everything else in nature.

When wild knitting you connect to nature, and at the same time you can magically knit yourself inwards and get to know better the nature found within your own wild soul.

The objects we surround ourselves with does not only have a function, they are also bearers of meaning, and when wild knitting you build layer upon layer of meaning into your objects.

The Norwegian Book on Wild knitting has just been launched, I am considering having it translated to English to publish a PDF. If you would be interested please let me know by adding your email adress and I will send you a notice whenever these plans will be put to action.

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